As i write, i'm struggling to remember as far back as day 3. Psychologically one of the toughest days, as people beging to feel fatigue and start questioning what they're doing there. Damo of Mule Bar Strudel had to retire from the running, following a night on a drip so Nick C started as an individual, just behind us.
He caught us as the big man turned on the oven at midday.

I can only describe it as being like the worst hangover i've ever had. When it goes above 30deg -which it does like clockwork at 12pm everyday, i get an overwhelming, crushing nausia which makes me want to move as slowly as possible.
With about 15k to go, i had been hosed, dowsed, stood in standing water and was suffering big time. I had to stop under a tree as we were in the complete open. Standing, stunned, i clocked that some guys we'd been with were stopped up the track. They were under the overflow of a water tank... The single best thing i have ever done was stand under that water!
We managed to move up the start grid after the end of that day though a further 60 teams failed to make cut-off!
By then, more people had pulled out than in the whole of 2009's edition.

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